Autumn Budget 2024: Budget of the century… What really happened
8 mins
Lisa is a private client partner, with over 30 years’ experience of advising high net worth individuals on a broad range of tax and trust issues. Her overriding aim is to demystify tax and to provide clear advice for her clients on how to organise their tax and financial affairs. Lisa uses her experience to help clients identify their objectives and then her skill at tax planning to find a practical and efficient way to meet them. In addition to advising on all UK tax matters relating to individuals, Lisa leads our specialist team that focuses on non-UK domiciled clients. She is an expert in the tax effective use of offshore trusts, and helping people understand the impact of residence and domicile issues.
A member of the ICAEW Tax Faculty Technical Committee, Lisa is also the former Chairman of the ICAEW Tax Faculty’s Private Client Committee and within that led the working party on non-domicile and residence matters. Mercer & Hole is a founder member of The International Accounting Group (TIAG), which is part of TAG Alliances, and Lisa is proud to co-chair the alliances’ tax group. From time to time, Lisa contributes articles and commentaries to the professional press and forum groups.
Lisa joined Mercer & Hole as a partner in 2003, and, prior to that she was a director at Smith & Williamson.
Supportive of our goodwill gestures in the local community, Lisa has helped with many good causes, including, MK Disability Awareness Day, MK Dons Sports Education Trust and MK Irish Welfare Support Group. As an individual, she is a trustee of MK SNAP, a charity which supports adults with special needs. She is an avid MK Dons fan and loves cars, especially Formula One racing. Lisa actively champions Milton Keynes and does everything she can to support her local community.
We are also proud to say that Lisa Spearman has been included in the Spear’s Index of Top Recommended Tax and Trust Accountants.
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