HMRC issue ‘nudge’ letters on Crypto assets
5 mins
Henry is an experienced Chartered Tax Adviser, whose clients include high net worth individuals, entrepreneurs and trustees. He is involved in tax planning, including capital gains tax and inheritance tax matters, and advising on the tax consequences of offshore trusts and residence and domicile issues.
On an international level, Henry frequently assists clients who are looking to move to the UK with tax efficient structuring of their financial affairs. This includes establishing when they will become UK resident, funding the purchase of a UK property, organising bank account arrangements and identifying and disposing of unsuitable investments. He has a wealth of experience in advising trustees on the UK tax implications in relation to offshore structures. The care and attention he commits to such time-sensitive projects is highly-valued by both clients and professional contacts.
Henry leads our Tax Investigations team, guiding clients through the potential stress of enquiries and checks by HMRC, using the team’s experience to quickly resolve disputes in a cost effective manner.
Henry also works closely with family law firms, especially in divorce cases. This includes occasions where we are engaged to provide opinion as expert witnesses or in advising on calculations which assist the division of assets, to ensure that the financial agreement does not create unnecessary tax liabilities.
Building trust is of paramount importance to Henry. He appreciates the world of tax can be highly technical and is keen to ensure he is clear in expressing the options available to his clients. By developing a thorough understanding of his client’s personal circumstances, he is able to make confident recommendations and carry through the desired course of action.
Having joined Mercer & Hole as a trainee in 2010, Henry now takes a lead in the recruitment and development of our graduate trainees and was named as a PAM Top 40 under 40 in 2020.
Henry is married with a young son. In his spare time, he enjoys regular trips to Lords to watch cricket, as well as playing slightly less frequently. He cycles to work and at the weekends further afield.
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